Abortion Services

If you’re searching for abortion services, you might be feeling anxious about your situation and the decisions you’re facing. That’s totally understandable. We’d like to encourage you to start by closing your eyes and taking a deep breath.

For real – we’ll wait!

Ok. You may feel stressed or scared but you are not alone. Our team at PLL is compassionate and knowledgeable. And we’re here to help you find all the information you’re searching for.

Our goal is to help you feel empowered to make the best decision for your situation.

Positive pregnancy test - searching for abortion services in Stone County, Missouri?

First Steps

First things first – let’s make sure you’re actually pregnant. A missed period doesn’t always mean you’re pregnant, and home pregnancy tests vary in accuracy [1]. At PLL, we offer free, lab-quality pregnancy tests. And our services are always confidential. If you’re not actually pregnant, there’s no need to go through the stress of finding available abortion services near you.


If you are pregnant, the next best thing to do is have an ultrasound. This may seem like an odd next step if you want to have an abortion, but it’s actually very important for your health. We offer ultrasounds here in our office – for free! An ultrasound will give information about two important things: viability and gestational age.

Searching for abortion information in Stone County, Missouri? An ultrasound may be needed to determine gestational data.


Viability means that growth and development are happening as expected. This is important information because many pregnancies end on their own in miscarriage [2]. If you miscarry, you may need medical services, but it is not considered an abortion and it should be covered under your medical insurance. If the fetus is not viable, then you would likely also require medical services, but this is not considered an abortion in the United States.

Gestational Age

Gestational age refers to how far along you are in your pregnancy [3]. You need to know this because some abortion services (like the abortion pill) are only FDA recommended for certain time frames during a pregnancy.

Abortion services in Stone County, Missouri. There are two types of abortion.

Types of Abortion Services

There are two types of abortion services in the United States – surgical abortion and the abortion pill. As with any medical procedure, both of these types of abortion come with risks and limitations. At PLL, our caring staff will go through all the information and options for your situation and answer your questions. If you’d like to read more about how each of these work, check out our blogs on abortion and the abortion pill, or schedule a free appointment to talk with one of our caring staff.

STI/STD Testing

You may have heard that STI/STD testing is important for sexually active people (and it is!), but did you know it’s an important step before having a surgical abortion? An undiagnosed STI/STD increases your risk [4] of pelvic inflammatory disease after an abortion. Having a procedure when you’ve got an infection could allow that infection to spread and cause lifelong complications. PLL offers STI/STD testing and treatment for gonorrhea and chlamydia – at no charge – and can facilitate testing/treatment for other STI/STDs.

Searching for abortion services in Stone County, Missouri? You're not alone!

Emotional Support

We are here to support you no matter what you decide is best for you. We truly believe that it’s important to have someone on your side – someone with your best interest at heart. And that’s why we’re here. All of our services are free, confidential, and non-judgmental.

Disclaimer: This website and blog do not provide medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. The information provided here is only for general understanding. This information is not a substitute for professional medical advice.

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