How Can I Finish School if I’m Pregnant?

How Can I Finish School if I’m Pregnant?

An unexpected pregnancy can mess up your plans for your life, especially if you are still in school.  It can also bring about some big feelings: stress, anxiety, fear, and even joy. If you are unexpectedly pregnant and still in school, you may be feeling worried and...
Confirming Pregnancy

Confirming Pregnancy

Don’t go through this alone! Pregnancy can bring up a lot of questions, and there’s no need for you to seek those answers alone. We are here and happy to help. Give us a call at 417-614-3643, or schedule an appointment online to find out more. Am I...
What day did I get pregnant?

What day did I get pregnant?

What day did I get pregnant? So you missed a period, took a test, and saw those little lines. Now you’re asking yourself “What day did I get pregnant?” There are a few ways to go about figuring this out – some being more reliable than others – and we are here to help!...
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